Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA POETRY : Popular UniAbuja poet, Munachi_Fortune in this poetry asks "What will I say?"


What will I say when I'm there?
When I'm standing just in front of her.
Is it how I make sweet fantasies about her in my head without her permission?
Or how I make her kissed me in my dream;

What will I tell her piercing but charming eyes when I meet her?
What will I say when I see her blood-filled neck?
What will I do when she asks to to speak up a bit louder?
Do you not have answers for me my friend?

You know she slows the onlooking eyes when she walks past.
You know she made John once spilled his coffee.
And his brother, David tripped to the floor by the gabbage can.
Do I have to refresh you on that?

Well I have but little my friend.
At our meeting I shall kiss her hands and say like it's my last:
"I would have wished for a lot to tell you young lady even now I would.
But of all I've gathered, I believe I need not;

So to this wish I say why I am here,
Love me and let's shake hell".


Poet Munachi_Fortune

"WHAT WILL I SAY?" is a Poem of rhetorics about how best to approach love and express your feelings. The setting is between the port and his friend who he rhetorically engages in a series of questions on what to tell the Lady he so much admires.
The Poem is made up of four stanzas with four verses each and closed up with a couplet. The significance of this structure first shows the preparatory steps the poetry takes before approaching his love.
The first three stanzas signify precise self examination, weighing of possible options, and doubt that strengthens the port to take the leap of faith. The last two stanzas brings up a resolution: The poet decides what to do, what to say when he sees his love :
 "Well I have but little my friend.
At our meeting I shall kiss her hands and say like it's my last.
I would have wished for a lot to tell you young lady even now I would.
But of all I've gathered, I believe I need not.
So to this wish I say why I am here,
Love me and let's shake hell".
This poem then, can be seen as a Romance poem. It displays obvious affection for a person, as slightly contrast to a Romantic Poem which shows love and appreciation for nature (trees, birds, mountains).

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  1. Poet Fortune, This is beautiful 🙌🙌🙌🙌
