Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA POETRY : Incandescent Poet, Moyosoluwa launched "AWAKE"


"Awake! Oh human! "
With the strong drive of an alarm. 
Oh! Awake! 
Clinging onto my bed with temporary joy, 
A tedious task it becomes, to rise;

 Equipped with vision though, 
 Laziness grips me hard. 
 A mirror of determination stares at me, 
 Learning became mandatory, 
 Overwhelmed with enormous task, 
 My heart yearns for the usual panacea;

 Hope raised with steps to be ready made, 
 Oh! I could recall the value of the alarm, 
 Very  accurate with time. 
 My ally for self drive,
 The Genesis of seriousness for your users;

 "Awake!, Oh sleeper! "
 Rise in a jiffy from thy solace! 
 Conversant with your  alarm,
 Reminds you of your  daily routine, 

 Inspires you  to make hay
 How amazing it is! 
 Coming back and beckons you  
 "Awake! "
 Sweet sleep! Sweet sleep!! 
 Super tired i am, you turned  in again. 
 What a life! 

 Of a sudden, you jerked up! 
 Reality dawned on you, 
 Wasted time like water in a basket. 
 You can only relate, 
 Impossible restoration lingers;

 Valuable depicts understatement 
 Oh! My alarm. 
 Representation of the spiritual, physical and business like. 
 So pathetic not to heed your  ring out! 
 Putting it off spells doom;

 My alarm! My alarm!! 
 When you  call, 
 I beg you , my Maker! 
 Envelope me with consciousness, 
 Slumbering is not an option! 
 Retirement is neither! 
 "Awake!" Oh human! 

From the Poet. 
Abimbola Moyosoluwa Patience.
The Poet. 

The poem 'Awake' depicts our self determination as regards to our physical, spiritual, Academic, emotional well-being and even in handling business.
Alarm is a self drive for disciplined individuals, when it goes off, it stops us from sleeping and makes us get to work although it is for the determined ones.

The bitter truth is that laziness is a great hindrance to our achievement in life and it makes one to postpone and procrastinate despite having visions. We ignore what we ought to do and sleep again (to concentrate on what doesn't worth our valuable time).

Your alarm becomes your self drive when you determine to answer the call. God is our number one alarm, our parents, friends, mentors and siblings can also be our alarm, telling us to awake from our slumber, to be conscious as time waits for no man, but the fact remains that many will not hear the ring out as they will put it off and sleep again.

The most amazing aspect is that every one will come to the knowledge of the truth at a particular time whether too late or not, but the precious time would have been dead, one won't be able to retrieve it any longer cause it waits for no one, we have the same timing per day (24 hours).

In conclusion, awake from your slumber is the key to achieve cause a thing can't be achieved while sleeping nor without determination.

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  1. I love this.

    A cry we all need to listen to

  2. It has a good theme.

    (After you create a great subject, the style of writing matters a lot.
    Let many lines be in form of questions . This makes a poem to be deeper . Use hyperbole or simile to increase its beauty.
    Above this, you deserve some credits. Bravo.
