Samson A. David a very distinctive and unique Acwuan, He wrote an article exposing the opportunities hidden under the carpet of the Convid19 Break.
Over the months, Coronavirus pandemic has continued to make the news. I believe you are aware of that.
This has caused global backdrop in the economy sector. And I equally want to believe you are aware of that.
At the moment, there is a lock down of major sectors that constitute the society. And that is why I am writing this to you...
My dear, you are at home because of this pandemic. You've been asked to stay indoor to observe a proper isolated lifestyle.
It is not for fun albeit.
My question for you is, how are you going to make your time count? How can you maximize this timeout? Or would you rather stay in that house for close to a month without achieving any tangible result? Come on... Don't act as others (students) act.
You should be intentional about this whole thing. Perhaps, if I should advise you on what to do that would be much beneficial. Then I would rather you STUDY. Get personal development books, spiritual books, financial and academic books. This is a time for you to bombard your mind with wisdom.
Take this break as an opportunity to groom yourself. If you don't have hardcover books to read, get ebooks. Just get books to read.
Maybe you're occupied with work, that notwithstanding, try to learn something. Don't just be full activity without productivity. And this productivity lies in your hands.
You can't afford to take chances
S A David.
2020 was the most hyped year. Declaration, prayers and resolution filled the air on that night. Of which I was at the forefront (covers face)
The reality of this year dawned on us in the first 3 month of the journey. Howbeit, we are in such pandemonium. It seems as though the previous year gave us a better share of goodness.
2020, what has thou got for your people.
My people, be sensitive to the happenings around the world. In the midst of this pandemic, there is a global shuffling that is going on. This has nothing to do with the rich or the poor, the bourgeoisie or the proletariat, the haves or the have not. But those who fish out the opportunities that comes with it. They are the ones that will take up the new phase of the world.
There is a shift of Influence, Power, Territorial dominion and Control. That is why I said you should be sensitive. Stop the unnecessary complain and discussions. Look deep into what this is all about. Get into the truth of the matter.
This is Not a time to despair, this is not a time to trade blames, it is never a time to become Coronavirus analyst.
This is an opportunity for you....
#coronavirus #covid19 #2020 #sadavid #global
The Question then Arises.
What are the opportunities?
Opportunity to......
1. Make the best out of your Study room
2. Rest and think big....
3. Hide and commune with your maker
4. A time when you will best strategies your plan for the year, if you are yet to be clear with the foregoing.
5. This is an opportunity for you to acquaint yourself with the online world. As a creative writer, there is a great deal about social media which you can use this break period to delve into.