Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA CHRONICLES presents " I wish I haven't known him" Episodes 5-6. By Israel Ogbukada.

EPISODE 5 - 6.

One morning, i woke up quite late by passed seven, i aided mother to prepare breakfast for the house before setting of to school. I dropped Bisi our neighbor's daughter in nearby primary school before leaving for mine.
   When i got to school, i found out that the assembly was over and was lucky to escape punishment. I  sneaked into the classroom hoping to see the maths teacher, Mr Bakko, instead i met the class rowdy and noisy, no one noticed my presence.
I sat at the front as usual, i turned around to check for Ene, but didn't see her, instead i met the eyes of Johnson the new boy. He was the only one in the whole class that was staring at me. I regretted looking back.

For the past few days, Johnson has been trying to talk to me about becoming his girlfriend, but i  refused.
It all started one afternoon during  break time as  i walked Ene to the school's kiosk where they sell snacks, Johnson approached me and requested me to be his girlfriend, i was shocked and surprised. I became suddenly speechless, i never believed what i once imagined would come to reality.
"I'm not interested " i said and walked away with Ene.
After buying some snacks from the Koisk, Johnson still met us pleading, i took it for a mockery.
"Don't you get it" Ene said "she is not interested"
I cannot believe it, i thought he was just making fun of me like the rest of the boys in our class. I later came to know that he was serious when he paid my transport back home that day.
I sat in my desk that morning and immediately Ene came to sit with me.
'Hi Juliet' Ene greeted
'What's up Ene'
'You came late today'
'I helped my mom to carry some loads to the main market.'
Immediately, Mr Bakko the maths walked in and the class became suddenly silent as a crypt. Mr Bakko was the discipline master in their school. He was harsh and rude. The students knew he is capable flogging the whole student in the school without getting tired.
Students were afraid of him but not Juliet. I was his favourite teacher. Maybe because i was very good in mathematics.
Mr Bakko introduced a new topic on the board, he solved few examples on the board and asked appointed some students to solve it in the board but they did not get it correctly. Then he called on me and handed over the chalk to me, i walked shyly to the board and solved it correctly.
''A round of applause for her'' Mr Bakko said excitingly.                                                                                                                               
Only a few clapped for me. I could hear some of them call me names.

After the class,  Johnson met me when i was alone, he asked me to teach him some of the calculation that  was taught in class. At first i disagreed but changed my mind. After school that day, we stayed back and i taught him some of the calculations. While i talked i noticed he was not concentrating, he was staring at my eyes and that made her uncomfortable, but i tried not to be distracted by his charming looks.
I felt Johnny's hand over my neck and immediately i felt my pulse and blood ran through my vein to my heart. I removed his hands.
"whats this Johnny" i asked and stood to pack up my bags.
"I'm sorry" he said "I love you." he held my both hands and drew close to me. I could not believe what was going on, i stood frooze. I could feel the warmth of his palm on mine and the perfume from his body. I felt like disappearing into the thin air.
"Leave me be" i said as i tried to let go of my hands. But he arm was firm. He tried kissing me on the lips but i pushed him and head for the door, i stood at the door like there was a constraining force that stopped me. "Love"
I came back to him and we kissed not minding the door and windows were opened.
That was one of the sweetest sin i have committed.
"I love you too, Johnny." i replied.

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