A wedding Ceremony
Oh!, Sweet Precious Soul,
This day shall we walk down this isle
And never look back
Let the prayers of our Fathers
Guide us through,
Through to a world of roses and weeds
Pray us now oh!, Sweet holy lamb,
Bind us now till
Death do us Apart
Precious Soul, Today I call thee
My bride
And I your groom will pray us
This day that we bloom,
Blooming into a world that we would bloom
Till there's no more bloom left to bloom.
Oh!, Sweet precious Soul,
My heart yearns for thee
Your voice is like a solemn contralto
That puts me on the edge,
Wilst I pledge.
As you my shiny armor of gladness,
Tis us this day,
That we weave our Souls?
Let's together lay a nest that we shall grown little beautiful flowers,
Blooming unto the awakening of a new day.
By Temmy Inkspired 2023