Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.




by Digital Comrade Aluta Ene. 

Education in Nigeria today has become adulterated by those who received the undiluted ones who later find their way into the system and rigorously deploying every arsenals to render the once glorified sector into a mere shadow.

Our ruling class who were fortunate to sit under a serene atmosphere has deployed the technical know-how to ruthlessly reduce our noble institutions with there sheer crazy and notorious policies. It puzzle the intellect as to where these saboteurs of our education were recruited from and their agenda before assuming office?

Under different administration, education has not only been subjected to hard torture of maladministration but has received the deaths of empathy from those entrusted with such power to make policies that will favour the sector, nevertheless the result under the Buhari administration has only been reinforced more than any failing 21st century project. 

In furtherance to the illness infested on the education sector by our political leaders who are supposed to be custodian and good lifter of it now transformed into nightmare for the system. 

At this juncture we write not to amuse our reader but to express our displeasure over an artificial punishment and problems that if caution is not taken, generations will suffer for it. And I make bold to say categorically that our education is fast hemorrhaging to a state where if succor is not apply in the shortest period, we might lose it all. 

Mysteriously, these political class remain adamant in rescuing the system while they magnificently carved a new niche for their wards outside the system. The money that would have been used to lift our institutions to global competitiveness now becomes starched and used to sponsor few of their wards outside the shores of this country.

The question is how long shall this unfavorable system continue unabated? For how long shall our institutions suffer the intellectual miscarriage of the few bourgeois in the system who have vowed to make mess of our education? I give you no rhetorics here.

The leadership of NANS under the Revolutionary President Asefon Sunday Dayo has been down with this headache and in his own wisdom and dexterity waged war when the odds are not favorable. 
All universities excluding few state owned are now relaxing at home due to a controllable strike action that ordinarily shouldn't have come to stay, but due to the lackadaisical attitudes of those entrusted with responsibility of piloting the affairs, but failed to, have "taken" cover in blame game, schools in the country are now being shutdown and nobody is to be blamed. Yet this same people are working around freely enjoying the liberty granted them by the tax payers money.

To whom shall we run?
NANS is the only body that can help stop the political madness now. Frankly speaking, by now the President of the country should have decisively call those entrusted with positions to oversee the affairs to order but the body language is so redundant and lifeless. Thus a clarion call to the Asefon led administration to rise up in a strategic way that will shock the nation and her ruthless cum careless "goons" who have resolved that seeing our education crumble is a pride to them. The time to speak in another language has come. 

And like the scripture will say, "For everything under the earth, there's a time", permit me to rephrase that for every pains accrued on the students by the reckless disdain policies, the time has come! We must not miss the target not even when the organization is financially handicapped. Something urgent though militantly peaceful must be done to rescue the soul of our education from these heinous leaders who have no plans for the generation of now not to mention the generation yet to come.

This I know that the revolutionary President will not hesitate to implement as to see that this time will not last longer than we expect.
The incessant strikes should be given a defined end.
The students cannot afford to wait 3months to get their positive response from the government. Both parties must walk down the level of compromise and see that pending disagreement don't hurt the third party.

God bless.

©Enejor O. Samuel.
U of A.
8th March, 2022.

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