Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA POETRY : Like A Dead Barren Woman by Olusegun Amoo [Independence poetry]


I do not want to be angry 
Like a dead barren woman 
Do not want to feel bad 
Not to feel lost and hopeless
Wanting to fake a smile for sixty-one 
Like I did for sixty and the rest 
But the soul is troubled. 

Come on! 
My land will be better 
Have I ever known a good past? 
My land will be better 
Is the trending song of decades 
I started singing with them before I walked. 

The elders hold the narrative of her good time 
But still, everything seems fictitious in our own time 

Angry faces all around
The past is better than the present
What good can hold the future 
When the present is like the past. 

Angry face 
How do I change this phase? 
It is more than Great Depression 
A child is said not to be frightened by his father's house
But the house itself is a home of no safety
A home where peace and joy are bargained.

Shall we wait till the Lord comes? 
Or shall we make him the President? 
Shall we wait and wait forever 
Wait and continue to drive on the dreamland 
Wait till you are gone
Wait and be like a dead barren woman. 

We are like the carvers 
We have our tools 
And our lives in our hands 
Up to us, not to be like a dead barren woman.

The inspiration to write this poem stems from the poet and citizens' displeasedness at the discouraging and regretful situation of our dear country, Nigeria. It's a poem for her 61st independence celebration. 
The poet as a young Nigerian writer would not like to keep hearing the old say '' Nigeria go better '' . Frankly, he's been familiar with it for over twenty years now. 
Nevertheless, Nigeria can bloom once again. The ball is still in the citizens' court. We should rise up and take significant actions without ignorance.

Olusegun Abraham Amoo is a Poet and Essayist at Association of Creative Writers - University of Abuja (ACW-UA) . 
He is an Editorial member at CCN ( Campus Community Network ). He hails from Oyo state, southwestern part of Nigeria. 
Olusegun Abraham through his writings has shown much interest in seeing lives improve and invariably against dehumanization and bad governance. 
He is a penultimate student of the prestigious University of Abuja, where he studies English and literary studies.

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