Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



DIGITAL FOOTPRINT IN FOCUS; what you should know about the concept by Ater, Solomon Vendaga


 DIGITAL FOOTPRINT IN FOCUS; what you should know about the concept.




“In the future, your “digital footprint” will carry far more weight than anything you might include in your resume.”

-Chris Betcher

How would you feel when on getting to the scene of an interview, the interviewer calls you by your Facebook username? Surprised! I know you will be wondering where he got that from. You will even feel disorganized most especially when you know that your Facebook username is not a responsible one or meant for a responsible person.

The above scenario presents how our world is tracked technologically such that information about the other is easily sourced.

In fact, it is the reason why you must take responsibility of your actions on the digital space. The world has and is still evolving and its demand curve  gradually changing too. Hence, the need to consciously take responsibility of what we say, post or share on our digital spaces.

The interviewer could do the above by just searching for you on google or any other search engine and everything that you have done or posted on the internet will pop up. It is this history of you  on the digital world that is called ‘Digital Footprints’


Digital Footprint or Digital shadow in clear terms refers to your unique set of traceable digital activities, actions, contributions and communications manifested on the Internet or on digital devices.  Examples of such digital activities include but not restricted to Social Media, Website visited, mobile phones, tablet etc.

It is the trails or history of your actions in the digital world. This means the picture of who you are, what you have done, is doing ,have said or even bought in the world of technology.

Note also that;

  • A digital footprint is a word used to describe the trail and traces that people leave behind online, on social media, websites or chats.
  • A digital footprint is your online identity and individuality and is what makes you unique.
  • It is builds the online reputation, or impression depending on the things you do online.
  • It is important to be aware of it because anything posted online is permanent and stays there forever regardless of being deleted

What makes up A Digital Footprint?

Your digital footprint is made up of every piece of information you provide online. From your name gender, email address to emails, website you visit and things you say or like on social media. Because the actions we take online say a lot about us, it is important to pay attention to our digital footprint.


  1. 1.  Passive: Is unintended by the user. Example A shopper providing her preference and lifestyle in an E-commerce site
  1. 2.     Active: An information a user purposely shares with the public or network of contact. E.g. blog post etc.
  1. 3.     Personally Identifiable: Information that can be traced to your real name
  1. 4.     Anonymous: Information generated anonymously such a comment
  1. 5.     User Input: Data that result from users input such as messages sent via mobile device.
  1. 6.     Data Sensor: Data created by sensors such as camera, microphone etc.


  • Safety If people know your personal information, they can create accounts in your name. Or if they know where you live, they can track you down. Not everyone out on the internet is good.
  • Future employment: Both employers and universities are reviewing digital footprints. They want to see what the “real” you is like vs. the polished image seen in an application or interview.



  • Avoid sharing too much personal information online on social media and chats
  •  Use privacy setting to protect privacy.
  •  Keep track of all online accounts and be mindful of the ones you actively use and delete the ones you don’t use
  •  Google yourself to see your online image and reputation
  •  Keep separate accounts for separate reasons if possible
  •  Keep track of your passwords and never share them online
  •  Regularly change your passwords.
  • Log off from accounts after use



Our digital footprint is a self portrait we paint online so it is important to ensure it is accurate, and truly displaying who we are. Our digital footprint can be traced and used by third parties for commercial use. Our digital footprint can be used to form an image about who we are. The information about everyone from this trail can be used by future employers, universities, and law enforcement offices, so it is important to make sure there is no inappropriate content about us online and that our digital footprint is positive. Also, the information we provide could be misinterpreted or misused for theft of identity.


  •  Be selective about what you put online ‐ You should post only information that you are comfortable with others seeing and knowing. Don’t post anything to your site that would be morally or ethically questionable. The digital footprints you leave should lead to a positive image that you create and control.
  •  Posting is permanent ‐ Once you post to the Internet it can be copied, saved, and used by others. You should think before you post anything online.
  •  Private is never private ‐ There are ways to get around the privacy settings on your social networking site. Post only items you wouldn’t mind your family, friends, employers, colleges, or the police seeing.
  •  Monitor regularly ‐ Even if you control what you post online, others can post information about you. Perform regular online searches of your name to view any new information that has been posted about you. Ask that any photos of you that could be seen as unflattering be removed and watch how your friends use your name when they add you to their sites.
  • Use the Internet to your advantage – Use online communication and tools to network. Share your knowledge and creativity in an E‐portfolios. Engage in community action groups. Share your expertise and passion.



  •   Publish articles consistently on your name (Optimize your name for Search)
  •  Have a professional/ strong Social Media Profile
  •  Have what you want to talk about( Content and content Strategy )
  •  Own a blog/website in possible.
Tools for Digital printing.
  •  Podcast directories (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.)
  •  YouTube
  •  Other blogs and online publications
  •  Social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • Email
  •  Slideshare
  • Quora


Technology has been described as the greatest breakthrough in the journey of humans. It has made life easy for us and can be a great tool for personal development and achievement but it can also destroy us when it is use wrongly. This is why it is advised that when leveraging on technological gadgets for personal development, one must do that with all sense of modesty and responsibility.

Always be careful of your actions and activities on the digital space having at the back of your mind that it can make or mar you.

Finally, know that ‘your online presence can be great way of making first time impression to prospective employer' - University of Edinburgh



About the Author.
 Ater Solomon Vendaga is a seasoned writer, researcher and speaker. He is member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Creative Writers. he is currently pursuing a degree in Law at the University of Abuja,  Nigeria. He has a lot of experience in Voluntary service, Law and legal industry, Writing and Leadership.

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