Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.




The Association of Creative Writers [ Upholding the role of the pen ✒ ]  in commemoration of it's First Year Anniversary  presents - Resurgence 2020 : Reviving the Innovative Role of the pen ✒.

▪ Panelist Discussion
▪ Presentation of Awards 
▪ Magazine Launch

                    GUEST PROFILE 

holds a BA in 1988 from the University of Ilorin, a MA in 1992 and a Ph. D from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 1999. He is the Professor and Chairman of African - American Studies at Western - Illinois University.
Professor. Abdulrasheed Na'Allah is the erstwhile, Vice Chancellor of Kwara State University and he's Currently the Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive of the University of Abuja, Nigeria.

DIKE CHUKWUMERIJE is the the most Prolific Nigerian Spoken word & performance poetry artist. He is an Award winning author with over 8 published books, including Urichindere, which won the 2013 ANA Prize for Prose Fiction.
Dike Chukwumerije has a Bachelor's degree in Law at the University of Abuja and a Master degree in Law & Development from SOAS, University of London.

PROFESSOR GBOLAHAN ELIAS. SAN is one of Nigeria's leading legal practitioners. He read Law at Magdalen & Merton College, Oxford University and graduated BA [1st Class.], BCC [1st Class.], MA and D.Phil.
He was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1981 and the NewYork Bar in 1990. He became a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) in 2003.
Prof. Gholahan Elias SAN practice Law in Nigeria, USA, France, South Africa, India, Japan and China.
He is currently the Senior Partner at G. Elias & Co, a leading Nigeria business Law Firm.
He shall be speaking on The role of the pen in the Legal Profession.

MRS. YERO, SAFIYA ISMAILA  is a top notch creative writer, poet, content developer & creator, a teacher, book reviewer, book editor and humanitarian.
She bags a BA and MA in English and Literature from the University of Abuja.
He debut novel, When There is Life, was published by ALMAZ books in 2013 and the author of the best selling Novel, NAJA, described as "a coming of age novel chronicling what it is to be a young female and powerless in a patriarchal northern Nigeria". Haji. Sofiya is the Assistant Register at the University of Abuja and the Founder & Executive Director of [ MACAEF.] Matan Arewa Creative Arts & Engagement Forum, which major aim is to promote female creative artists from Northern Nigeria. She shall be speaking on The role of the pen in gender and girls rights in Africa. 

ALHAJI DENJA ABDULAHI is a poet, playwrights, dramatist, literary essayist and culture technocrat. He studied English & Literature at the University of Jos, Nigeria and graduated as the Best Graduating student of the year, 1990. He further holds a Masters at the University of Ilorin in 1992.
Alhaji Denja Abdulahi has been a lecturer for decades. He was the Founding Chairman of the Kebbi State Chapter of ANA. He was the Assistant General Secretary ANA National, General Secretary, Vice President and the Immediate Past President of ANA National, before, he exit as President of the Association on the 2nd of November, 2019.
He was appointed by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2009 as the Manager, Operation Abuja Carnival. His play "Death & the King's Gray Hair" won the SONTA/Chris Iyimoga Master Playwright Prize. He also practiced journalism with The News/ AM News/ Tempo Group in the Mids 90's. He is currently the Director, National Council for Arts and Culture and the UNESCO Regional Expert [Africa], Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity [ICH]. He shall be speaking on The role of the pen in the current socio-political situation. 

DR. OFONIME INYANG is an academia, freelancer, youth development advocate, and a creative writer. He is a member of the global coordinating team leaders of Global Leadership Interlink ( GLI. ) in West Africa. He holds a Ph. D in Applied Media & Development Communication from Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa and a certification from BSM, Trinidad & Tabago.
He is currently a lecturer at the Department of Theater & Film Studies, University of Uyo and a DAAD Grantee and a Visiting Scholar in the Institute of Cultural Policy, University of Hildeshelm, Germany. He is a member of National Writers Association of South Africa, International Society of African Oral Literature, Global Communication Association, African Cultural Policy Network and he is the immediate past General Secretary of the Association of Nigerian Authors ( ANA. ) National. He shall be speaking on The role of the pen in the current socio-economic situation. 

Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor 
Founder ACW /  President ACW-UA 

Talodabioluwa Inioluwa Taiwo 
Vice President ACW-UA. 

Ater Solomon-Mary Vendaga 
Moderator / Compere 

Aminat Atinuke Shiyanbade
Sponser & Co - Host

Venue : Zoom 🔎 
Time : 12.00 Noon.
Date : 18th  September 2020.

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