ATER, Solomon Vendaga a prominent Public Analyst, writer, critics, poet and essayist in University of Abuja Condemns the incessant killings and crime in the country in his untitled Article published on ACW-UA PRESS on the 4th of February, 2020.
I promise not to succumb to his assertions totally but to a larger extent I must confess that his appositions are true. The evident is seen in the recent acts of Nigeria's teeming youths who because of the nature of the country's economy and the negligence of her leaders to provide platforms of empowerment has pushed them to devise means of survival not minding the negative impacts of these means.
The recent act of kidnapping in the country's has created a deep sense of concern in the hearts of many Nigerians. The insecurity issue in the country is just very bad and uncalled for. The situation is so terrible that anything can happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere and anyhow. Business activities are disrupted, fear has gotten hold of everyone, trust is lost,development has been ceased,the efforts of security agencies are limited and everything seem not to be going well.
To turn the tide,the government must begin to deliver better lives to Nigerians. This is in view with the philosophy of conferral of social benefit method of social control who believed that crimes can be controlled in the society if the basic needs of the people are provided.
Instead of resorting to evil means that seems quick to make it in life, we can empower ourselves with trades and other skillful engagements.
NGOs should encourage the youths by engaging them in skill acquisition programs and sponsorship.
Kidnapping is not an end to that your situation. Be a patriotic Nigerian! Respect the sanctity of life and preserve it.
Ater, Solomon Vendaga.
Professional Analyst and Critics