Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA POETRY : Salihu Amra Onize wins the ACW-UA POETRY PRIZE For The Week.

Salihu Amra Onize a member of Association of Creative Writers - University of Abuja Chapter (ACW-UA) bags the award of ACW-UA POETRY Star of the Week today Friday, January 13th, 2023. 

She is the first to win the Award this year. This was made known by the Head of Poetry Department, Afolayan Iyanuoluwa Michael who moderated the Poetry Discourse for the week.

Earlier, few days ago, the President of ACW-UA, Dominic Nwobodo announced that the Association shall recommence her POETRY DISCOURSE for the year.

The ACW-UA POETRY DISCOURSE is a weekly platform, organised by the ACW-UA POETRY DEPARTMENT where different poets submits  entries within the week. At the end of the week, the best poem is selected and the poet is invited as a Star Poet to speak on the poem, and share his or her thoughts and background on the poem. 

Members are free to contribute and the Star Poet answers questions from the Audience.

In today's edition of ACW-UA POETRY DISCOURSE, Amra Salihu Onize, a 100 Level student of Law, emerged at the Star Poet of the week with her poem; Nostalgia. 
Unlike an average African morning 
The bleating of goats awoke me 
Years ago, I thought they ruled the house 
For at their whim, we came alive 
And knew, without doubt, the day had begun.
I would jump off the bed in all but a second
With only a few strides, the parlor would appear
And with it, its occupants
All wearing dashing smiles on sleepy energetic faces
Returning a little more energy than usual, 
Greetings would be exchanged
Followed by a little over a million pats ruffling my hair.

I would dash into the kitchen to be met with the whiff of an all-too-familiar aroma
There she'd be, nestled in all her grace
Wielding her spoon as though she had all power
And so she did, for our stomachs lay at her feet
But then and in the days that followed,
Her spot in my heart was occupied by another
So this other, I sought
And when she was found, I'd be received in a warm embrace.

There, I'd bask in all the love and care she gave
Not wanting to ever let go until her low shrill voice coaxed me
So into her eyes, I'd stare
Past the age and dim and into her soul
All pure and loving, welcoming to all
She'd chuckle and they'd light up
"Your mother awaits," she'd call,
And off we'd go to join the rest
All chattering carelessly
Not enjoying the morning as much as I was.

Though it was an August morning, I was warm
For in their love and care, I was home
And home was all but cold.
But in the August mornings that followed,
The cold seeped in.
And try as much as I did
Home slipped through my fingers
My euphoria was lost
Never to be returned.

Amra Salihu speaking on the BACKGROUND OF THE POEM said, 

The poem "Nostalgia" also titled "The Edge Of Euphoria" was birthed from a gnawing pain I felt towards the many changes that occurred during my transition from childhood to adulthood. These changes were not only due to growth but other events that ultimately led to the collapse and disappearance of my euphoria. The poem also exemplifies the togetherness of family and how ultimately, the members of every family must disperse and find their way and in the process, define their new homes. It shows my definition of home and how the little things are actually what makes a place "home". The poem is the first of a three-part anthology and aims to depict the various stages of growth.

Some members of ACW-UA, also shared their opinions on the poem had this to say :

 Destiny: The MOOD is that of nostalgia.... Remembering the past with a weird longing go back to it...
While the poem persona expresses great joy in her TONE... This is were euphoria comes in...
But to me, the poem is more of nostalgia to euphoria... That's most epic expression of the poem. 

 Shakespeare: Well.. honestly.. this looks more of like prose than a poem.. it's too narrative.. the choice of words also should be adjusted.

Abdullahi : @⁨Amra, this poem is actually very intriguing, I feel you made sure every of the words you use depicts everything you felt at that point. And the use of figurative expression were pretty cool too..
Well as Always, they say we can always do better. Cheers to that. And well done!

( Are you interested in Joining Association of Creative Writers or ACW-UA; click Here to send a message on Facebook) 

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