Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA POETRY : Chyna's poem, " Lady Rona" accord her one of the best poet of the week.

Lady Rona

Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou? 

Standing on opposite sides with Lady Helen.
No, you didn't throw countries at war.
Rather, You had them working together, in unity even.
Your presence subdued and calmed the various vices of the world.
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?

How many hearts skipped a beat at contact with you?
How many Lungs did you leave gasping for breath?
How many became speechless, unable to speak freely under your influence?
How many temperatures did you leave running with fatigue?
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

A legend you've become
Cause we'll tell your tales until the next decade.
Tales of how you spoke
Tales of how we listened 
"Stay indoors" 
"Wash your hands" 
"Don't touch your face" 
All these we did, without hesitation.
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

Your fame was undeniable.
Everyone knew you, personally or otherwise 
Which man would dare to say he hadn't once heard of you?
From households to villages, towns to states, countries to continents, the whole globe chanted your name daily.
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

No, You didn't discriminate,
Black, white, yellow, red, brown
Christian, muslim, Hindu, Jew, buddhist 
Rich, poor
Man, Woman
Boy, girl 
You taught equality
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

You made bare the weakness of economies.
You brought to the light the faults of corrupt leaders.
Even those we thought powerful enough to host you, they all looked to the man in the sky for help, For on their own they could do nothing.
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

You defeated our toughest warriors 
You took the terror out of terrorism 
Armed robbers were left unarmed 
Stations didn't entertain new cases
Human trafficking? Well business was put on hold
Kidnapping? Nah, no one was brave enough to nab anyone to avoid crossing paths with you.
Social vices took a long vacation.
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

Just like every lady,
You taught the importance of personal hygiene.
You brought to light the need for family time and togetherness.
You even drew households back to God.
Social conformity was established, thanks to you.
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

*Oh, Lady Rona, how powerful art thou?*

Oh! The reign of every tyrant must come to an end.
We watched you fall.
Lungs breathing in relief,
Temperatures stabilized,
Hearts beating healthily,
All the havoc you reeked, fixed.
Tis the end of social distancing as we stand outside together to bid you farewell
Rona, You're not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

The current pandemic ravaging the world is no new news to the ears of all Nigerians and people round the globe. It's the most constant and repeated issue on the news and various social media platforms. The corona Virus (covid-19) is now something we can't even go a day without saying as it has become part of our daily language and everyday phrase.

This poem is an Ode to the Corona virus (covid-19). There are two sides to everything and this virus is no exception. The negative aspects associated with the covid-19 cannot be over emphasized, but, the virus also came with some disguised advantages or even blessings which the poem points out.

"Lady Rona" is a an ode that hails the corona virus (covid-19) for both its negative and positive effects. The last stanza is an anticipation for when the virus will be fully eradicated, and by God's grace, we'll all stand outside together to bid Corona virus farewell for good.

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