Founded by Prince Ezeabata Chibuzor in 2019 in University of Abuja is an initiative that brings writers, upcoming writers, poets and young Nigerians who are keen and eager to grow their creative skills and develop their interests in Creative writing. It aims at building a generation of young people who shall be relevant, and innovative for the future. ACW is a world were excellence and success is celebrated.



ACW-UA POETRY : Popular ACW-UA Poet, Chyna launches " The man and the Beast"

The Man and the Beast. 

The wonders of how a man can own an angel and sought the clutch of a beast.

You'd think that with how perfect she was,
the thought to sought a beast would be one that'd forever be left unformed.
He was blessed with snow white, only the fairest of them all
Yet, he longed for Fiona, an ogler.

Why? you ask.
It baffles me too.

He had an Angel. A tamed one at that.
Kissed by Aphrodite, she had the beauty of a goddess.
As gentle as a dove. 
A lady of virtue and class.
A heart filled with love and affection only for him.
Dare I say she was God's trophy work. 
A perfection to say the least.

Fiona the Ogler?
Well she stood at opposites
Gentility was a term foreign to her
Shrek did say Oglers weren't made for love. 
Beauty?....Nope, far from it she was
Something to make Aphrodite shriek. 
Class? She'd be at the bottom of the hierarchy.

An angel or a beast?
Plata O Plomo?
Easy right?, well, he chose an Angel,
Yet, deep down he longed for the clutches of the beast. His beast.

Her wildness,
Her spirit of adventure,
Her ferocity and fierceness
All of these he found attractive. 
The angel made the hunt so easy
But the beast?, she made the chase worthwhile.

While in the tender arms of his angel
He thought of the unruly beast.
And with every kiss, he pictured Fiona. 
She really was unlike any woman he had met.
Her free spirit and courage was unmatched.

She wasn't the kind to bend her will
And break under tension 
She didn't fit in. 
Then again, she wasn't born to
He thought her unique.
She was boss of herself and wasn't to be swayed.
She was brave enough to utter the most magical words to him - "NO"

She'd done an art only angels could 
She cast a spell on him. 
The power of a beast
While he had an angel served on a platter 
He chose to work tooth & nails for a beast.
Indeed there was more to the beast than met the eyes, which he alone saw.

Beneath the surface lies a diamond. 
Lest we forget, Fiona had a princess to her
Adorned with majesty
Equally blessed with royal beauty 
But all these she had hidden away,
In an attempt to scare people away.

A royal beast
She indeed struck an equilibrium. 
She was the chase and the prize
The storm and the silence. 
The wild and the tamed. 
She was adventure. 

His Angel was only a part,
But the beast?
She had it all
She was it.


While this piece can be interpreted by different people differently, What I had in mind while writing, was the idea of man having a perfection for a woman and yet he'd still be working really hard for another lady who has no interest in him whatsoever and isn't even half as good as his woman. Hence, the first two lines "The wonders of how a man can own an Angel and sought the clutch of a Beast". 

Chyna Chioma Emmanuel Judith
The Poet. 

In this piece, allusion is made not only snow white but also Fiona from the Disney animation "Shrek". Fiona in this case represents the beast, but there is more to her that only the man can see which propels him as to why he keeps chasing after her even though he has snow white the fairest of them all as his. 
While this piece is open to different interpretations, and has more than one theme depending on your perspective on it, what I had in mind while writing, was the idea of man having  perfection in a woman  who really loves him and yet he'd still be working really hard for another woman who has no interest in him whatsoever and isn't even half as good as his woman. Hence, the first two lines "The wonders of how a man can own an Angel and sought the clutch of a Beast". 

In this piece, allusion is made to not only snow white but also Fiona from the disney animation "Shrek". Fiona in this case represents the beast, but there is more to her than meets the eyes that only the man can see which is why he keeps chasing after her even though he has snow white, the fairest of them all.

Feel free to to leave a comment on your own interpretation of this piece.

The Poetry has been interpreted by different people in different ways, some sees it in the angle of our political leaders who leave the country for comfort, which they can get here if only they make it. Some sees it in the aspect of Extramarital Affairs.
Please, indicate and put in your thoughts and opinions about the poem in the comment section. 
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